FTP and FTP/SSL client .NET library

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DeleteProgressChanged event 

The DeleteProgressChanged event is raised when a significant action occurs while deleting files using the Delete method. Use it to get notified about the current directory of file being processed or deleted and total deletion progress.

ListItemReceived event 

The ListItemReceived event is raised when a file or directory listing item is received from the server. It occurs in GetList, GetRawList, GetNameList and GetItems methods.

Tip: for sample code, see Listing directory content - on the fly.

ProblemDetected event 

The ProblemDetected event is raised when a problem is detected in Upload, Download, Delete or GetItems method. An event handler receives information about the problem and can choose a desired reaction.

Tip: For sample code, see Transfer problem handling.

TransferProgressChanged event 

The TransferProgressChanged event is raised when a significant action occurs in Upload or Download methods. Use it to get notified about the current directory or file being processed or transferred and the total transfer progress.

Tip: For sample code, see Progress reporting.

Traversing event 

The Traversing event is raised when a significant action occurs in Upload, Download, Delete or GetItems methods. Use it to get notified about hierarchy structure traversing progress.

ValidatingCertificate event 

The ValidatingCertificate event is raised when connecting to a server using TLS/SSL protocol. Use it to examine the server certificate and accept or reject it.

Tip: For sample code, see Custom certificate validation.

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