2. User setup

SSH/SFTP and Web administration users can be created either using command line, or using the Web administration.

2.1 Create users using command line

Open the command prompt and run the following commands to create users.

2.1.1 Create Web administration-only user with password authentication

The following command will create user ‘john’, prompt for password and enable Web administration access.

burusftp.exe user add john -p --web-admin enable --shell-type none

Since no root directory is specified and the shell type is set to none, the user will not have SFTP access nor will be able to execute any commands in SSH terminal.

2.1.2 Create SFTP user with password authentication

The following command will create user john, prompt for password and enable SFTP access to C:\Users\john directory.

burusftp.exe user add john -p --root-dir "C:\Users\john"

# Add '--web-admin enable' to also allow the user to manage the server using Web administration
burusftp.exe user add john -p --root-dir "C:\Users\john" --web-admin enable

See burusftp user add for more details.

2.1.3 Create SFTP user with public key authentication

The following command will create user john, associate given public key and enable SFTP access to C:\Users\john directory.

# Use public key file
burusftp.exe user add john --keys "C:\Users\john\id_rsa.pub" --root-dir "C:\Users\john"

# Use public key directly (e.g. listed by "ssh-add -L")
burusftp.exe user add john --keys "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICb+j55aq07xcZoYKfgQwtdMMD9qhY5I9gmoH0ndBTzp" --root-dir "C:\Users\john"

2.1.4 More options

See burusftp user add, burusftp user update, burusftp path, and User authentication methods page for more details, including Windows and multifactor authentication.

2.2 Create users using Web administration

Log in to the Web administration, click on “Users” and then on “Add new user”.

Putty configuration screenshot