INFO: TLS/SSL implicit and explicit modes difference

No encryption/plain mode

Communication schema:

  1. Client connects to the server.
  2. Client talks to the server over this unencrypted channel.
  3. Username + password is sent unencrypted.

Sample code:

Ftp ftp = new Ftp();
ftp.Connect("", SslMode.None);

TLS/SSL - Explicit mode

Communication schema:

  1. Client connects to the server.
  2. Client explicitly requests TLS/SSL encryption to be switched on.
  3. Client talks to the server using encrypted channel.
  4. Username + password is sent encrypted.

Sample code:

Ftp ftp = new Ftp();
ftp.Connect("", SslMode.Explicit);


Ftp ftp = new Ftp();
ftp.Connect("", SslMode.None);
ftp.Secure(); // request encryption

TLS/SSL - Implicit mode

Communication schema:

  1. Client connects to the server and TLS/SSL encryption is switched on implicitly as soon as the channel is established.
  2. Client talks to the server using encrypted channel.
  3. Username + password is sent encrypted.

Sample code:

Ftp ftp = new Ftp();
ftp.Connect("", SslMode.Implicit);

More info

  • TLS/SSL Explicit mode usually uses the same port as Plain (unsecure) mode.
  • TLS/SSL Implicit mode requires dedicated port.
  • TLS/SSL Implicit mode cannot be run on the same port as TLS/SSL Explicit mode.
  • TLS/SSL Implicit mode cannot be run on the same port as plain (unsecure) communication.
  • The TLS/SSL protocol is the same in both Explicit and Implicit mode. Both are equally secure.

Common ports

Question: I got a hostname and port. Which security mode should I use?

Answer: The following table lists common ports and their security modes:

Protocol No encryption
Plain port
Explicit port
Implicit port
FTP 21 21 990
SMTP 25 or 587 25 or 587 465
IMAP 143 143 993
POP3 110 110 995
Telnet 23 23 992
HTTP 80 - 443

SFTP and SSH shell are not listed - they run over SSH protocol, which is always secure and runs on port 22.

Rebex .NET libraries for C# and VB.NET supporting TLS/SSL