TerminalControl Class
Namespace: Rebex.TerminalEmulation
Assembly: Rebex.Terminal.Control.dll (version 7.0.8944)
Terminal emulator control.
public class TerminalControl : Control, IDropTarget, ISynchronizeInvoke, IWin32Window, IBindableComponent, IComponent, ITerminal, IDisposable
Inherited Members
Name | Description |
TerminalControl() | Creates a new instance of terminal control. |
Name | Description |
AltKeyMode | Determines how to handle the Alt key. |
AutoAdjustTerminalSize | Enables or disables automatic terminal size adjustment based on font size and control size. |
CellSize | Gets the size of a character cell. |
CursorBlinkingInterval | Gets or sets text cursor blinking interval (in miliseconds). Setting it to a value lower than 100 disables blinking. |
CursorMouse | Gets or sets the cursor to display in mouse enabled mode. |
CursorStyle | Gets or sets text cursor style. |
CursorText | Gets or sets the cursor to display in standard text mode. |
DataProcessingMode | Gets incoming data processing mode. |
EnableMouseWheel | Enables mouse wheel scrolling. |
Font | Gets or sets the font of the text displayed by this control. |
HistoryLength | Gets the current history buffer length. |
HistoryMaxLength | Gets or sets a maximum history buffer length. |
MousePasteEnabled | Enables or disables right-mouse-button paste functionality. |
MouseSelectionCopiesToClipboard | Gets or sets a value whether to copy selected text into clipboard automatically or not. |
MouseWheelMode | Gets or sets the behavior for mouse wheel action. |
Options | Gets or sets terminal options. |
Palette | Gets or sets the terminal palette. |
Recorder | Gets or sets incoming data recorder. |
Screen | Gets the terminal screen object. |
ScreenPosition | Gets the first displayed row of the terminal screen. Values goes from zero to minus HistoryLength. |
Scripting | Gets the object which allows enhanced scripting. |
ScrollbackResetOnDisplayActivity | Enables or disables scrollback reset on display activity (when received any data). |
ScrollBarEnabled | Enables or disables scroll bar. |
SelectionMode | Gets or sets text selection mode (for paste functionality). |
SuppressAltAsMenuKey | Determines whether to suppress menu activation when Alt key is pressed. |
SuppressShortcutKeys | Determines how to handle keystrokes which are registered shortcut keys of the application (e.g. Ctrl+O can activate a menu item). |
TerminalFont | Gets or sets the terminal font. Setting the font may also cause the screen size to be adjusted to fit into the control area. |
Transfers | Gets the object which allows file transferring. |
UserInputEnabled | Enables or disables user input. |
Name | Description |
Bind(IShellChannelFactory) | Binds the control to the specified shell channel factory - usually an instance of Rebex.Net.Ssh or Rebex.Net.Telnet class. |
BindAsync(IShellChannelFactory, Object) | Begins asynchronous Bind operation. Binds the control to the specified shell channel factory - usually an instance of Rebex.Net.Ssh or Rebex.Net.Telnet class. |
Dispose(Boolean) | Clean up any resources being used. |
GetControlSize(Int32, Int32) | Calculate a control size corresponding to the specified screen size. |
GetSelectedText() | Returns the currently selected text. |
IsInputChar(Char) | Determines if a character is an input character the control recognizes. |
IsInputKey(Keys) | Determines whether the specified key is a regular input key or a special key that requires preprocessing. |
OnActionRequested(ActionRequestEventArgs) | Raises the ActionRequested event. |
OnCreateControl() | Raises the CreateControl() event. |
OnCursorColor(CursorColorEventArgs) | Raises the CursorColor event. |
OnDisconnected(EventArgs) | Raises the Disconnected event. |
OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs) | Raises the KeyDown event. |
OnKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs) | Raises the KeyPress event. |
OnKeyUp(KeyEventArgs) | Raises the KeyUp event. |
OnLostFocus(EventArgs) | Raises the OnLostFocus(EventArgs) event. |
OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseDown event. |
OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseMove event. |
OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseUp event. |
OnMouseWheel(MouseEventArgs) | Raises the MouseWheel event. |
OnPaint(PaintEventArgs) | Paints the control. |
OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs) | Paints the control background. |
OnProcessingError(ErrorEventArgs) | Raises the ProcessingError event. |
OnRemoteResize(RemoteResizeEventArgs) | Raises the RemoteResize event. |
OnResize(EventArgs) | Raises the Resize event. |
OnScreenResize(ScreenResizeEventArgs) | Raises the ScreenResize event. |
OnScrollChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the ScrollChanged event. |
OnSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs) | Raises the SelectionChanged event. |
OnSizeChanged(EventArgs) | Raises the SizeChanged event. |
PreProcessMessage(ref Message) | Preprocesses an input message such as a keyboard message. |
ProcessCmdKey(ref Message, Keys) | Processes a command key. |
ResetSelection() | Unselects selection area. |
Save(Stream, TerminalCaptureFormat) | Saves the content of the terminal screen to the specified stream in the specified format. |
Save(Stream, TerminalCaptureFormat, TerminalCaptureOptions) | Saves the content of the terminal screen to the specified stream in the specified format with the specified options. |
Save(Stream, TerminalImageFormat, TerminalCaptureOptions, TerminalFont) | Saves the content of the terminal screen to the specified stream in the specified image format with the specified options. |
Save(Stream, TerminalImageFormat, TerminalFont) | Saves the content of the terminal screen to the specified stream in the specified image format. |
Save(String, TerminalCaptureFormat) | Saves the content of the terminal screen to the specified file in the specified format. |
Save(String, TerminalCaptureFormat, TerminalCaptureOptions) | Saves the content of the terminal screen to the specified file in the specified format with the specified options. |
Save(String, TerminalImageFormat, TerminalCaptureOptions, TerminalFont) | Saves the content of the terminal screen to the specified file in the specified image format with the specified options. |
Save(String, TerminalImageFormat, TerminalFont) | Saves the content of the terminal screen to the specified file in the specified image format. |
Scroll(Int32) | Scrolls the terminal screen for specified number of rows up or down. Positive numbers scroll up (to display history), negative numbers scroll down (to display current screen). |
SetDataProcessingMode(DataProcessingMode) | Sets incoming data processing mode. |
SetScreenSize(Int32, Int32) | Sets a new screen size, resizing the control accordingly. |
SetSelection(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32) | Sets selection area. |
Unbind() | Unbinds the control from the current channel and closes the channel. |
WndProc(ref Message) | Processes Windows messages. |
Name | Description |
ActionRequested | Occurs when a specific client action is requested by the server. |
Copying | Occurs when a text is to be copied from screen to clipboard. |
CursorColor | Occurs when a cursor color needs to be determined. |
DataReceived | Occurs when the data are received from the server. |
Disconnected | Occurs when disconnected from the server. |
Pasting | Occurs when a text is to be pasted from clipboard to screen. |
ProcessingError | Occurs when an exception occurred while Automatic was in progress. |
RemoteResize | Occurs when the screen resize is requested by the server. |
ScreenResize | Occurs when the screen is resized. |
ScrollChanged | Occurs when the screen is scrolled (ScreenPosition is changed). |
SelectionChanged | Occurs when a selection is changed. |