ValidationStatus Enum
Namespace: Rebex.Security.Certificates
Assembly: Rebex.Common.dll (version 7.0.8944)
Certificate validation status.
public enum ValidationStatus : long
Name | Description |
CnNotMatch | The certificate's CN name does not match the passed value. |
CtlSignatureNotValid | A CTL used to create this chain did not have a valid signature. |
CtlTimeNotValid | A CTL used to create this chain was not time valid. |
CtlWrongUsage | A CTL used to create this chain is not valid for this usage. |
CyclicChain | One of the certificates in the chain was issued by a certification authority that the original certificate had certified. |
ExcludedNameConstraint | The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a name constraints extension and one of the name choices in the end certificate is explicitly excluded. |
ExplicitDistrust | The certificate was explicitly marked as untrusted by the user or CA. |
IncompleteChain | The certificate chain is not complete. |
InvalidBasicConstraints | The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a basic constraints extension and either the certificate cannot be used to issue other certificates or the chain path length has been exceeded. |
InvalidChain | A certificate chain is invalid, such as an certificate's Issuer not matching the CA's Subject or an certificate's AKI not matching the CA's SKI. |
InvalidExtension | One of the certificates has an invalid extension. |
InvalidNameConstraints | The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has an invalid name constraints extension. |
InvalidPolicyConstraints | The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a policy constraints extension, and one of the issued certificates has a disallowed policy mapping extension or does not have a required issuance policies extension. |
Malformed | A certificate or CRL is malformed. |
MoreErrors | There might be more errors apart from those reported. |
NoIssuanceChainPolicy | The end certificate does not have any resultant issuance policies, and one of the issuing CA certificates has a policy constraints extension requiring it. |
NotDefinedNameConstraint | The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a name constraints extension and a name constraint is missing for one of the name choices in the end certificate. |
NotPermittedNameConstraint | The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a name constraints extension and there is not a permitted name constraint for one of the name choices in the end certificate. |
NotTrusted | Certificate is not trusted. |
OfflineRev | The revocation status of the certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain is either off-line or stale. |
PathTooLong | A path length constraint in the certification chain has been violated. |
Revoked | Trust for this certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has been revoked. |
RootNotTrusted | The certificate or certificate chain is based on an untrusted root. |
SignatureNotValid | The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain does not have a valid signature. |
TimeNotNested | Certificates in the chain are not properly time nested. Deprecated. |
TimeNotValid | This certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain is not time valid. |
UnknownCriticalExtension | A certificate contains an unknown extension that is marked critical. |
UnknownError | Unknown error. |
UnknownRev | The revocation status of the certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain is unknown. |
UnsupportedNameConstraint | The certificate or one of the certificates in the certificate chain has a name constraints extension containing unsupported fields. |
UnsupportedSignatureAlgorithm | The certificate chain contains a certificate with unsupported signature hash algorithm (usually SHA-2) or unsupported key algorithm (usually ECDSA). |
WeakAlgorithm | Certificate uses algorithm which is not considered secure on this platform. |
WrongUsage | The certificate or certificate chain is not valid for its proposed usage. |