ValidationOptions Enum
Namespace: Rebex.Security.Certificates
Assembly: Rebex.Common.dll (version 7.0.8944)
Certificate validation method options. (Not supported by CertificateChainEngine.Native engine on Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android).
public enum ValidationOptions
Name | Description |
AllowTestRoot | Not supported. |
AllowUnknownCa | Allow unknown certification authority. |
IgnoreAllRevUnknown | Ignore all unknown revocation statuses. |
IgnoreAllTimeNotValid | Ignore all invalid time checks (such as expiration, nesting, CRL or CTL times). |
IgnoreCaRevUnknown | Ignore an unknown revocation status of the CA certificate. |
IgnoreCnNotMatch | Ignore invalid common name. |
IgnoreCtlSignerRevUnknown | Ignore an unknown revocation status of the certificate trust list signer. |
IgnoreCtlTimeNotValid | Ignore an invalid certificate trust list time. |
IgnoreEndRevUnknown | Ignore an unknown revocation status of the end certificate. |
IgnoreInvalidBasicConstraints | Ignore invalid basic constraints. |
IgnoreInvalidChain | Ignore invalid chain. |
IgnoreInvalidPolicy | Ignore invalid policy. |
IgnoreRootRevUnknown | Ignore an unknown revocation status of a root certificate. |
IgnoreTimeNotNested | Ignore an invalid time nesting. Deprecated. |
IgnoreTimeNotValid | Ignore an invalid time (such as expiration). |
IgnoreWrongUsage | Ignore wrong usage of the certificate. |
None | No options specified. |
SkipRevocationCheck | Skip certificate revocation check. |
TrustTestRoot | Not supported. |
UseCacheOnly | Only use local cache, do not access the network. |